Plans for revenge

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Aldus and I also believe that behind the fall of the Supreme Alpha are many forces.

There is no proof, but there is no way that the Bluemoon pack was destroyed without the involvement of the Council.

Of course, the official story from the Council is that they didn't want to interfere in the internal strife among werewolves. Aldus told me that there were signs of witches, vampires, and several other creatures acting, but the Council classified them as individual cases, and not an organized movement that would entail the Council to act.


Officially, the Council exists to preserve the balance between creatures and to protect the weak ones from extinction.

Due to the number of werewolves, they were the predominant creatures, capable of taking over others, and they were never weak. The Council used this as an excuse to remain passive.