The Darkest Hour (5)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Duke explained what's going on with Adele, Ruby, and Willow. "Their minds are clear, but the cocktail makes them so hot that they can focus only on getting a release. They finished their drinks, so this will not stop for at least three hours. Since they are not wearing masks, many people will get to see the girls in the middle of the performance. Those three will be celebrities after tonight."

I remembered how they gave me a spiked drink and watched as a stranger took me into the crowd and groped me. More than watching, they even took photos, and they didn't care when he dragged me into an alley and started assaulting me.


Duke calling my name got my attention. "Is this OK, or too much, or…?"

I felt my lips lifting into a smile. "This is perfect."

"I know you wanted them to know it's you behind this, but we can reveal that later."