A romantic vacation (2)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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The plane descended on a small runway, and we had a jeep waiting for us.

While Duke put our suitcases in the back of the jeep, I noticed that the airport was small, with one runway, and the building itself had paint peeling off. The place cried for an update and the lack of people was a giveaway that this is a remote destination and not a traveling hotspot.

"Where is this?", I asked Duke when I got in the car, and he responded with a playful wink which told me he will not talk.

I exhaled helplessly and decided to stop asking. I will find out soon anyway… Maybe.

The sun was up in the cloudless sky, and the humidity was high, but it was not suffocating due to the pleasant breeze that did its magic relentlessly.

The dirt road took us through tall palm trees and exotic-looking bushes that had colorful blooms. It reminded me of Hawaii from the photos I saw. Definitely tropical.