Ready for the final round of tests

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Days trickled into weeks and one day father called me to join him in the lab.

"We are ready to start.", he said while showing me series of graphs on the screen of his computer and I knew that he was talking about awakening Duke's wolf.

"What are the risks?"

I was familiar with the overall approach, but for the last few days Aldus closed himself up in order to focus and not be disturbed while figuring out the final details.

Aldus didn't respond right away, which told me I won't like his answer.

"There are a few things we can try.", he said eventually. "This cocktail…", Aldus showed me one file that had ingredients listed. "It definitely won't cause permanent damage to Mateo, but it has the smallest chances of success. I would say maybe 10%."

I let out a long breath. 10% was not optimistic and lack of permanent damage didn't mean that there will be no damage at all.