Option B (2)

Author's note: this is from John's point of view

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Seeing that Magda was ready to pounce on Kim, Kim swiftly stood by my side, seeking protection.

"What did you expect, Magda? You came here in the middle of the night, spouting nonsense. I am worried about you, and I want to help, but I know that John is the only one who can take care of you."

Magda laughed manically. Over the years, I've seen many outbursts from Magda, but this was a whole new level of crazy.

"You think that John will take care of me? He will imprison me! I told you not to call him! I told you that he will force me to go back to that stupid school that is worse than prison! He is the last person who would take care of me!"

"I'm sorry, Magda.", Kim said. "You are my friend and I want to help you, but right now, I'm unable to do so. Please, don't blame me."

Magda glared at Kim, and if the look could kill, Kim would be dead from the moment I entered this room.