Option B (4)

Author's note: this is from Magda's point of view

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Fucking Kim! When I get my hands on that treacherous bitch, I will pull her hair out and scratch her face so that no one can recognize her.

I knew it was a mistake to hide at her place, but I couldn't go to Anna's, and I was too hysterical to think of any other place.

Anna probably knew I took her father's gun, and she won't let it go.

I didn't mean to shot Drago. I really didn't.

I wanted him to know that I mean business and that I will not give up easily.

I made sure that Sanya disappears, and I can make Seraphina go away as well. No one will stop me from getting what I want. No one!

How was I supposed to know that Drago will grab the gun and it will go off?

It was an accident! But I knew that no one will believe me, so I panicked and ran.

I tossed the gun into a nearby container after a few blocks. I don't even remember if I wiped my fingerprints off it.