Teenage insecurities (1)

Author's note: this is from Luca's point of view

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Zoe and I left Fynn's office and exchanged troubled looks because Fynn just informed us that Serina will come to visit us.

We have a set schedule of visits, and she never comes outside of that schedule, which means that something happened.

Another unusual thing was that Serina announced her visit to Fynn, and she didn't contact me or Zoe... and Fynn said that Serina is coming to talk to us. 

I shook those useless thoughts away. There was no point in overthinking things, but I knew that Zoe won't be able to let it go easily.

Zoe immediately texted Ash and checked to see how he was doing, and she relaxed a bit when he confirmed that he was fine. Busy, but fine.

"Do you think that the time has come?", Zoe asked me, and I could see her anxiousness.

Zoe was concerned about the possibility that Serina will ask us to decide on what we want to do with our lives.