Job offer

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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After Fynn left, Zoe and Luca entered Fynn's office.

They sat on the chairs and faced me. I could see that both of them were anxious, and I wondered if that was related to the gossip Fynn told me about.

"You seem to be uneasy. Is that related to the rumors circling about the two of you?"

"I'm sorry, Serina.", Zoe said.

"Why are you sorry? Did you do something wrong?"

Both Zoe and Luca looked at me with confusion obvious on their faces for a few long seconds and then they shook their heads.

"Good.", I said. "As long as you don't have a guilty conscience, you shouldn't care what others are saying."

"You won't ask us what really happened?", Luca asked.

"Whatever happened, is between the two of you. The gossipers are doing it because they have nothing better to do, and because they are jealous."

"Jealous?", Zoe repeated.