Remembering the incident

Author's note: This is from Duke's point of view

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I have no idea how long I was trapped in darkness. Was it a second, or days, or years? But I knew that the sense of peace lulled me into indifference, even though I could feel that something was not right.

I was missing something important. I had it and I lost it, but I couldn't remember anything about it and the only trace of its existence was this overwhelming feeling of loss.

Everything was blurry, but then the scent of jasmine on a rainy morning pulled me out of my mental haze, and there was a hint of Japanese wisteria also, and I remembered. Serina!

She was standing next to me and looking at the ground that was empty.

"Serina!", I called to get her attention and I wrapped her in my embrace.

My heart fell into place when she hugged me back.

She asked me to follow her, and I said I will. I will follow her anywhere.