
Chapter Forty Three

Zhou Jian Kong took his glare off Yang Yu Kang and brought their attention to the folder in Wan Wu Xing's hands. There wasn't any hesitation or sympathy on his face at all. "If they insist on their innocence then there is no need to hold back." Assistant Wan's eyes flash and he gave the two panicking men one last look of disdain before nodding. "As you say, Chairman Zhou." He opens Yang Yu Kang's folder, and the man himself stiffens before rushing to try and stop him. "Wait!" But he did not even take two steps before he was forced back into his seat by security who were already prepared for resistance. Tang Guang gulps with difficulty as Jian Kong's men also stand behind him intimidatingly. They only look at him on the sly and the cowardly man fell back into his seat without further protest. His face was pale with fright.

Two bodyguards stood at the doors, one who seemed the oldest and most experienced walked inside to stand beside Chairman Zhou just in case. He was expressionless and intimidating to look at. It was unknown when they entered as everyone was too focused on not drawing attention to themselves to notice them walk in one by one. Two men each stood behind Yang Yu Kang and Tang Guang. Only when the two were forced back into their seats did Assistant Wan continue as if nothing happened. "Seven years ago on January ** Mr.Yang met secretly with Zhou Feng Ming at **** restaurant on the third floor in a private room. At *:** Zhou Feng Ming left the restaurant with a file he did not have when he entered. Fifteen minutes later Mr.Yang exits the restaurant with one unknown woman and twenty thousand in cash in a suitcase. One month later the two then proceed to meet again at a banquet, Zhou Feng Ming and Mr.Yang both enter the second-floor private room. The two leave the restaurant after an hour and on their bodies were contracts between the two promising Mr.Yang twenty percent of company shares in the future in exchange for his current five percent."

The others could not help but furrow their brows and send Yang Yu Kang dark looks full of derision and disbelief. Bargaining for twenty percent of future shares? Are they insane?! Did Zhou Feng Ming already think the Zhou fortune was his and his alone?! He shivers and felt the urge to flee but a firm hand on his shoulder kept him in place. Heart racing wildly Yan Yu Kang was forced to endure the dirty looks thrown his way as if he was a pile of manure as well as the Chairman's leveled glare. "On September ** one year after the contract between Zhou Feng Ming and Mr.Yang. Mr.Yang began to sell company secrets and secretly began to pocket charity money from the company for himself."

"-In addition to these crimes Mr.Yang used company cars, jets, boats, and hotels for his own personal benefit. On November **-" As the list goes on and on about his deeds Yang Yu Kang felt more and more blame and disgust grow in his college's eyes. Although he is a grown man, even he could not bear their condemning glowers and shrank in his seat trembling. When Assistant Wan finally closed the folder Jian Kong did not wait for him to collect himself and looks over at the guards behind Yang Yu Kang. They silently reach over and drag him out before he could plead for Jian Kong to have mercy. When Yang Yu Kang was almost shoved out of the room he shook his head and struggles against their grip. His voice was hoarse and panic-filled as he wildly fought against the guards. "Chairman Zhou I was wrong!! I was wrong forgive me!! It was not my fault! Zhou Feng Ming forced me to sign the contract! Chairman Zhou-!!!"

His screams continue and echo along the hall and behind the doors that close after him. Tang Guang flinches when the doors shut on the other man's shouts. Assistant Wan moves to grab his folder next and Tang Guang's face froze with terror. But unexpectedly Jian Kong stops him by raising his hand "There's no need to read this out loud." Tang Guang's tense form relaxes and his eyes fill with hope as he leans over eagerly. "Chairman Zhou!" Jian Kong does not look his way at all and instead orders Assitant Wan indifferently. "Pass out the copies instead, my ears only need to be dirtied once." Tang Guang's gratitude turns into horror but before he could react Jian Kong's men already cover his mouth with cloth and drag him out. Jian Kong doesn't even spare him another thought and silently watches as every single person who got a copy of the file grows pale. One woman even covers her mouth and gags while throwing the file far away not daring to look any further.

Her face was green and red filled with outrage and disgust. She had children of her own, to think she was working with a monster all these years! She felt bile rise up again and Assistant Wan considerately hands her a handkerchief. The rest of the five who had been called out silently were escorted out by his men. Jian Kong's reaction was less dramatic than theirs when he learned of the darker secrets the Tang family had. But he was still revolted nonetheless to have allowed someone like that into his company doors. "As you all have noticed by now, CEO Fang was not able to attend this meeting due to certain circumstances." Jian Kong taps the meeting table with a cold face "Tomorrow there will be some changes to the company shareholders and rules. New faces are needed to take over the old ones."

"-Starting today, Xing Xiang is the third-largest shareowner and will be taking after the duties of Tang Guang. And a new CEO will be taking charge in a week's time so I expect a proper spring cleaning before then." Jerking back they all connect the dots and wisely say nothing in defense of the ex-CEO. Mouths clamped shut and eyes firmly facing the table there was a clear understanding between the ones left, Zhou Jian Kong was giving them a chance to clean up the mess. Rather than becoming too curious, for their own good, they would rather feign ignorance and pretend they knew nothing. It was better to not ask at all than to lose their lives. Jian Kong raised his gaze to look at them one at a time in a slow predatory manner. "I expect you all understand my meaning?" Seeing as no one dared to say no and they all quickly agreed with his orders and Jian Kong ended the meeting. On the way to his office, Jian Kong's phone rang in Assistant Wan's coat pocket.

Looking over Jian Kong rose a brow as Assistant Wan peeks at the name. His tense expression becomes a bit hesitant, Jian Kong had a slight inking he knows who it is but asks anyway as the phone continues to ring incessantly. "Who?" The man sighs in his heart and answers him obediently "It's the young miss." Jian Kong's foul mood fades away and a small spoiling smile threatens to rise and ease his fierce expression. He was handed the phone by the worried Assistant Wan who was concerned if the Chairman's foul mood would scare the girl. But the man worried for no reason since when exposed to his darling granddaughter's sweet voice Jian Kong's eyes showed hints of warmth and his own voice even softened quite a lot. "Fan'er is something the matter? Did someone bully you?" In answer to his question, the girl gave a lovable and honey-coated answer.

"Ye Ye, Fan just wanted to ask when Ye Ye is coming home. Fan misses Ye Ye a lot and housekeeper Shuang doesn't let me go out for long when Ye Ye is gone." Her tone held hints of complaint but he wasn't annoyed at all by it. Coaxing her gently Jian Kong's response was warm. "Wait for a few more days, the company is undergoing some changes. And there are other sites I must personally watch over during the change of staff. When everything is more stable I will return." He could almost hear her frown after his explanation.

"Ye Ye you shouldn't overwork yourself. I asked housekeeper Shuang and he said you will be in the city for one more day. Fan will come and bring you lunch and dinner tomorrow, eating too much food from the outside is not good for you." His heart warms under her concern and he even chuckles much to Assistant Wan's surprise. "If that is what Fan'er orders then Ye Ye will listen." After a few more minutes Hua Fan lifted Jian Kong's mood. He heard her being called away by who he assumes is Liang Zhong Zemin. When she reluctantly hung up Jian Kong wore a small smile on his face. The scowling old man from a few moments ago no longer existed. Assistant Wan only spoke up after the call ends "Should I add a few more men to escort the young miss tomorrow?" He hums his consent staring down at his phone for a second "Mm. And have more men watching Feng Ming while I am gone. With his roots removed he may try something." Assistant Wan hesitates before asking him warily for confirmation.

As if he was afraid of angering Jian Kong for even suggesting such a thing. "Try something, on the young miss?" Jian Kong glances at him from the corner of his vision and did not say yes but hands him back the phone for him to hold instead. Assistant Wan felt as if he had just learned something dangerous and felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise suddenly. As Jian Kong enters his office Wan Wu Xing's face morphs into disbelief and alarm. Chairman Zhou did not say yes...but he did not say no either. He shivers. Zhou Feng Ming, is really crazy enough to try and snuff out the life of his only daughter?