
Chapter 151 (Acknowledgment)

Zhou Hua Fan found herself in a familiar empty dark space when she opened her eyes. The abyss stared at her as deeply as she did it, and just like before, the woman felt numb to her very core at sight before her. Huījìn sat beside her, accompanying the woman in the silence. Zhou Hua Fan's eyeballs roll over to him after what seemed to be hours yet seconds as the time to her felt warped and twisted in a confusing ball of chaos within her mind. Huījìn did not turn to look at her, but she knew the god could sense her glassy stare and didn't care.

But perhaps, it wasn't that he didn't care, but maybe he didn't dare meet her stare at this moment as the world unravels around them with mortals in their own timelines none the wiser. Finding it unfair the god was able to appear unperturbed by his shameful actions. Zhou Hua Fan's heart sparked, and her mouth opened before her thoughts could stop her. Despite her fear, despite her trembling. "Liar..."