
Chapter 166 Liang Zhong Zemin(The Gathering Of Beasts)

"Qingyuan...You've known him longer, wake him up to eat." Yang Cheung in casual outing clothes stood behind Wang Qingyuan who was an inch or two shorter peeking over his shoulder warily. At the doorway, the two stood near each other helplessly somewhat afraid to enter the room where their grumpy roommate had returned suddenly after so many months away. Wang Qingyuan who was also dressed like a human being unlike the unkept person hiding in the single bed in the tornado of a room was baffled and troubled by the state Liang Zhong Zemin was in. They couldn't see anything but the top of his head in the blankets he buried himself in. Across the floor were clothes that fell from a laundry basket Wang Qingyuan had kindly washed and folded up for him.