
Chapter 176 Zhou Cao Bohai

The slow tick-tocking of the clock above him swayed considerately telling them that time was continuing on even if they sat in silence. No one but the gods could manage it, it was an uncontrollable dominating force that no human could reverse or accelerate. However, besides the one overwhelming them with silence, the occupants of Zhou Jian Kong's office dare not notice anything else. Zhou Cao Bohai, the only one who had the prestige and power to hold his head up high continued to look down on the boys in his niece's life cooly. His eyes fell on the one who spent the most time with her, Liang Zhong Zemin. The young man looked unhealthy, there were obvious dark circles under his eyes Zhou Cao Bohai spotted the moment they met face to face. His father believed that Liang Zhong Zemin was the one at fault for neglecting his niece's health and hiding her condition from them.