
As Gabriel opened his eyes, he saw nothing everything was black he tried to move but he couldn't something was holding him down. "So, you have sobered up now~" that voice he had heard before, James? The blindfold was then taken off. "Shall we have some fun~" Before Gabriel even got a word out James slammed into him. But it didn't hurt instead Gabriel was overwhelmed whit pleasure he had never felt before. James then changes their position so that they are in Doggystyle. Gabriel felt something tightening around his chest, did he have a chest harness on?! As James trusted faster, he held onto the ropes making Gabriel able to feel a way he hasn't felt before. As they both were close to climaxing Gabriel couldn't help but scream out, and as he did James leaned into his ear "that right baby scream, scream for me" and that is what he did thong out his whole climax, but James didn't stop instead he when faster for a little while until he too was satisfied.

After 5 rounds Gabriel was exhausted, and he fell right asleep.

later that day an alarm rang. Gabriel stopped the alarm and looked at the clock 08:30 it said. Is so early I can sleep for a little longer. Wait 08:30 AM I'm supposed to be at work. Gabriel sat up and instantly regretted it. That baster you are a doctor, yet you don't know how to keep your sex partner from pain wait I had sex whit, James. I had sex whit, 'James'. 'I' had sex whit, 'James'. Shit. Gabriel looked around the room to find the clothes he did and quickly took them on. He hears from the bathroom that the shower was on and then off. He grabbed his phone and ran out of the Hotel room he ran home and changed, then ran over to the hospital where Jacob was waiting for him.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" Jacob gave him a death stare "you better be there was a big accident on the outer edge of town, we have our hands full. You can help out whit the children's section if you need anything I'm over at the adult section". Gabriel walked over to the kids and began helping them.

As he came to the last child the child was crying. "Hey, is going to be aright you parents are going to be here soon" Gabriel tried to reassure him. "No, they are not" the child sobbed out "and why not..." He quickly looked at the top of the paper "Oha Hideaki?" "Because my parents are dead" fuck I should have read the rest. Wich, he did now.

Name: Oha Hideaki

Age: 7

Birthday: 2/8 20xx


Parents -> dead

Older sister-> alive

After reading a bit more he looked at the kid. "You have an older sister, right? "The kid stopped crying and nobbed. " And she was whit you during the accident" again a nob "then she must be here somewhere, right?" the kid's eyes began to shine "now I cannot promise she is here maybe she is home but if she is here, we can find her, ok?" the kid nobbed. "Then shall we go and ask the desk?" the kid jumped down from the chair he was sitting on and grabbed Gabriels's hand holding it like he never wander to let go.