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At Mr Arthur Emerson's cabin.

"Zack, Did James tell you everything?" Asked Mr Arthur. Hearing that I told him what Uncle James explained to me about next year competition.

Soon, A knowing look appeared on his face. He added," As James said We were ready to assist you with the necessary resources." Then he explained to me. About the available list of resources that the Management gave me access to.

Mr Arthur said, " Can you tell me tomorrow? What you need in a list; So, that I can forward them to the Administration." Hearing that I nodded at him. We talked for about a few more minutes. Before I left. It's time for my train.

Sometimes later, I boarded the train in time. I took my usual window seat. I sighed thinking that things were unfolding in a rather unpredictable way. The only good thing that has happened so far to me is the availability of resources.