
"Maybe I should come next time," I commented in my heart. I decided to leave this place without making any noise. The Alpha Wolf didn't notice anything suspicious. It is sleeping peacefully. I began to follow the path to Zone 1. On my way, there is no Pseudo Monster.

Therefore I quickened my pace a little. "Now it looks way easier to find a way back to the exit Zone 1" I mumbled myself as I carefully looking every Marking on the tree. For the time being everything seems fine.

But, Suddenly I had bad premonition. I have feeling that it's not going to be easy way back home. I operated my sci-fi watch to send message to Uncle James. I typed, "Uncle James, I have completed my assignment.

Now, I'm on my way to Zone 1. But I have a vague feeling that if I came across some monsters along the way. It will take time to leave. So, don't worry about me." I sent the message to Uncle James. And I also forwarded this message to Northern Border Ranger's office.