A Mind Fruit Treasure

At Arthur Emerson's Cabin. Both Zack and him having some fruitful conversations.

"So, you need some treasure from the list to train." Asked Mr. Arthur Emerson. He was surprised by Zack's demand. He expected this to happen. But, not this earlier. He knitted his eyebrow. There was some hesitation on his side. Which can be visibly seen on his face. 

Zack noticed his trouble and replied, "What is it? Mr. Arthur."

Mr. Arthur Emerson finally decided to tell the reason. 

"Currently, we are unable to procure some of your listed plants. It will take time." Admitted Mr. Arthur Emerson.

Hearing that, Zack felt disappointed. But, luckily Mr. Arthur Emerson added something now. Which brought back a bright smile on Zack's face.

Mr. Arthur Emerson said, "We have one plant. Which might please you. Do you want to hear about it?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Hope this one is somewhat helpful" I commented in my heart.