Trezi Town

I am satisfied with my current progression. I just have to practice till the weekend. By next week onwards. I'll be focusing on 3rd form of the Sword Attack.

Time passes, soon it's evening.

I left the gravity chamber and freshen up myself. Before, making journey towards my home.

On the way, I am looking at sci-fi watch. After persuading Max Stewart. I got the Class 1 Monster database from him. The description were detailed. It had more info than library. I had a small smirk knowing that.

Four days later, Zack is sleeping in his couch.

Suddenly, His Sci-Fi watch buzzed.

I opened my eyes and looked at the notification. It's was reminder from Max Stewart. Day after tomorrow we will be going for Mini-Auction.

"Tomorrow, I have to complete the Assignment within a day itself and return home safely." I commented in my heart.