Part two: Lucius Jensen's fury

In Jensen's family hall.

Looking at his father's trembling hands, Lucius Jensen frowns. He assured me that he is perfectly fine. His health is in good shape. "Is there any other issue?" Finance problem?" Lucius made a mental remark.

"Father, "What exactly is going on?" He inquired solemnly.

Elder Jensen looked at his son when he heard that. "Lucius, I betrayed you. I betrayed your trust. As a grandfather, I've failed." Elder Jensen uttered a tearful utterance. His eyes have already become as he reveals his heart's grief.

Lucius Jensen got out of his seat. Hearing his father's words, his chest tightened. He couldn't help but feel apprehension about the unknown. "What do you mean by failing as a grandfather?" Lucius asked his father. What happened to Philip? Elder Jensen's heart is pierced by his every word. Last but not least, a word about Philip. Elder Jensen couldn't stop coughing up blood.