Part two: May Ford Team's Challenge

With brute force, he pumped his fist. As his punch gets closer to Luke. Luke made his move in that split second. He poked the burly youth's neck with his two fingers. It all happened in an instant. As a result, the burly youth's momentum slowed and he opened his eyes wide.

The audience is in a frenzy. After Luke's inch-by-inch assault. The burly adolescent spat blood from his mouth. His face turned horrified as his body collapsed in an instant.

When I see Luke's decisive movement, my pupils constrict. "I'm not sure why I feel bad about this." "This guy's casting a doomsday spell for us," I muttered under my breath.

Maria Frazier, on the other hand, used her tiny hands to close her mouth.

"He is extremely powerful. "How come I hadn't heard it before?" Maria was curious.

Hearing that, I let out a wry smile, thanking Mr. Arthur if not for him. Even I am kept in the dark about his abilities.