Star Tower Inspection

(From Zack's POV)

After exiting the cab, I entered the train station. Time went on, But there is no sign of train's arrival. I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows in worry. Could something have happened? I whispered to myself. Shaking my head, I didn't dwell on this matter. I decided to patiently wait for the train.

Time went on,

[Ding! The Express train to West Word City will arrive, a few minutes later]

The announcement rang in my ears, Hearing that I quickened my pace towards the platform. I knew the express train won't come at the exact time. Sometimes, the train track is disturbed by Monster hoard, it's normal for a train to arrive few minutes late.

As expected!

The Long Armored Train halts it's speed slowly, As it entered the platform.