Random Selection

(From MC's Perspective)

The following day,

I woke up earlier today, I didn't want late for the event. After cultivating for a while, I went to take a good bath. Some times alter, I changed my clothes into usual one, after leaving the bath.

Then I viewed the time, it's morning 7 AM. I have still some time, before going there, I like to have good breakfast. This hotel is cheap, I don't want to have my breakfast here.

So, I decided to check out. I packed my stuff and placed them inside the storage ring. After sorting out, I took one last glance around the room. Seeing that there is no stuff left behind. I left the room and headed towards the registration desk.

After completing the task at hands, I left the hotel.


My wrist watch buzzes with notification.

I stopped for a moment to check it.

"It's call from uncle" I said to myself.