Part two: Clearing levels

(From Zack's Perspective)

Inside the seventh floor,

After defeating those monster at the sixth floor, I eventually appeared at the seventh floor. I immediately gripped my black sword and held it forward. In an instant, I felt two distinct auras appeared at the same time. I activated perceptual ability to lock them. 

The other hand two huge Ape manifested and immediately locked the target. Two apes dashed forward while smashing their chest.

Seeing the two giant apes at the level of class one, I decide to kill the as soon as possible. This time I released the lightning energy, as I gripped my sword and made downward slash.


I roared as my black sword filled with lightning energy ready for an attack. Small thunderous sound resonated inside the place. The other hand black penetrates the air and the tip of blade drilled inside ape's chest.
