Part One: Northern Fort Crisis

Two days later, 

The disappearance of Darius Case finally reaches everyone's ears including upper echelons of Crimson Hall. At first they didn't take it seriously enough but when the family of Darius Case raised the alarm bell. The management from Crimson Hall decided to investigate this matter.

At Northern Border, 

The Northern Fort's Protector successfully defended the fort by killing his enemies quick sessions. Which caused quite a stir among the enemy forces. For a time being no one chose to attack the northern fort. So, Right now the atmosphere around the northern fort appears to be calm but still there is some. Undercurrents. No one is quite sure when it will surge.

The Crimson Hall team on the other hand decided not to join hands with allied forces. The Elders from Crimson Hall already gave them strict direction to act independently and finish their missions. One is to escort their Crimson Hall students back to home.