
 (From MC Perspective)

I sighed in relief after seeing her injury is slowly recovering. Then I turned around and glanced at the four corpses. " It's a pity, Four Monster cores must have busted from the explosion." I muttered while glancing at the corpses. 

Then I thought about another wolf which I had killed with my sword. I walked towards the brown wolf and sliced its abdomen to receive the monster core. The Monster's core is dark brown in color. Most of the wolves belong to the wind element. It's rare to see an Earth element wolf. 

And what I found strange is? In this monster zone, most of the monsters that I came across were earth element one's, including this brown wolf.

"Hmmm" Maria begins to gain her clarity slowly. 

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion. Her eyebrows trembled as she slowly opened her eyes to see.

Then she seems to recall what happened before she fell half unconscious. Suddenly she notices the silhouette near her.