Part 2: Collecting intel

(From MC's POV) 

When it comes to 20 hunting teams, apart from those 10 teams I believe there are also a few other unknown teams in this area. which may be suitable for me to join those teams.

And also, I came here to hone my skills, not for a mission. So, as my Uncle said, I need to mind my own business.

Then looking at Remington, I asked, "I don't think there are only 10 teams in this mission. What about others? "

A quick glint flashes before Remington's eyes. From these few conversations, he understands that the young man in front of him is not dumb.

So he decided to answer truthfully, "Well, obviously there are others. But the strength of other teams was low. And their leader's strength may range from peak special trainee to initial trainee warrior. "

A small smile rose on my face. This is what I wanted. As I guessed earlier, there were other teams who took the same mission.