Mr. Jonathan arrives at the city

(From MC's Perspective)

At the City of Iron Post,

After knowing that Mr. Jonathan would arrive here in a couple of days, I let go of my previous worries. In the meantime, I can use this opportunity to spend time on essence cultivation. Try to get through as much as possible.

Like that, a few days went by. Then the outside City looked rather calm. But there are actually undercurrents surging in the dark. while Zack was immersed in cultivation inside the hotel room.

Terrible changes take place in the insect forest. All lower level bandit hunting teams were subdued by the top 5 teams. These changes quickly spread throughout the city. 

From then on, no new warriors were willing to take the bandit hunting mission. The number of bandits killed by adventurers was also greatly reduced. which led to an increase in the rate of banditry.