Accepting the mission

Hotel Room in the City of Iron Post,

"What is your next plan?" Mr. Jonathan asked Zack while taking note of his strength.

Hearing that, I nodded, "I'm quite confident fighting against Peak Special Trainee. If I were to use my lightning element, I could even fight against the Initial Trainee Warrior. "

Mr. Jonathan ponders. He wasn't surprised by Zack's current strength. In fact, his master already guessed this much. But what is most surprising is that his previous performance at the start tower event was poor.

Zack cleared those floors with the strength of an initial special trainee. Now that Zack has made a breakthrough, Mr. Jonathan wonders what would happen if he took that test now.

Mr. Jonathan predicts that Zack will be sure to clear 20 floors. He knew a few things about Star Tower. Above 20 floors, there might be a lot of Class 3 monsters. So it's not a problem for Zack to clear higher floors.