Shield Team vs Black Fist Team

(From MC's Perspective)

Insect forest—City of Iron Post,

One hour later,

I venture deep into the forest after dealing with that scumbag. The influence of bandits can be seen by looking at that wretched fellow. I don't know. How much secret information did he tip off to those bandits? This is disturbing. It's not even safe to trust fellow warriors. Then I thought about something, "Maybe the iron hammer team suffered backhands from these backstabbers." I muttered to myself.

Then, dispelling my thoughts, I used my perception to look for monsters. I don't have to worry about anything. Mr. Jonathan assured me that nothing would happen. I have no idea about Mr. Jonathan's strength, but I've got this vague feeling in my heart that it won't be any problem for him to take care of Bandit Boss.