Roth family: Meeting hall

Roth family-Willow Peak City, 

The Roth family was staying in a castle-like building deep inside a restricted area. The main branch of the family lives in the castle, while the side branches reside in Willow Peak City.

Several family elders were assembled in the meeting for an emergency meeting. The meeting was called by their family head, Clyde Roth.

No one has a slight clue about the meeting. While everyone was conversing with each other, a burly middle-aged man with a heavy build entered the meeting hall.

He is none other than the family head, Clyde Roth. He has red hair and black eyes with fair skin. He stands 6 feet tall. He was dressed in a red blazer suit.

Seeing the appearance of the family head, everyone quieted down. Clyde Roth is a Peak Trainee, Fire Elemental Warrior. Most importantly, their flame ability is an inherited one. It was passed down from their ancestors.