The City Lord's strong actions

The City Lord Mansion - Iron Post City,

City Lord Aaron Powell realized that someone stronger than him warned him just now. "Who could be?" He muttered in disbelief.

He used elite power to probe the surroundings. But his every attempt ended in vain. That person came as a ghost and left in an instant.


He couldn't describe the feeling he is going through right now. Even his superior's oppression will pale in comparison. He sat down on the ground to gasp for breath.

Five minutes later,

He returned to his usual self. He had controlled his heart turmoil somehow. After gaining some clarity, he recalled that person's words before he left.

"Zack Lockwood," He muttered to himself. This person is related to Zack Lockwood. After realising the fact, he felt grateful that he didn't make any blunder.

"Ha...Ha...Ha.., " he let out a self-deprecating laugh.

One wrong move, he would have died right now.