boring list

(From MC's perspective)

Lockwood residence,

The following day,

I arranged everything for my new trip. I bought a few emergency stuff from an online store some time ago and stored them in my storage ring. Yesterday, I spoke to Uncle James about the new trip.

After knowing that the old researcher was Elder Thornton's friend, he stopped worrying. Not only uncle James, but I also received a green signal from Mr Jonathan.

Earlier, after my discussion with Elder Thornton. I texted Mr Jonathan about Ricardo Compton. I guess Mr Jonathan must have done extensive research about him.

The only person I didn't tell was Granny Park. In her old age, it's better not to hear this type of news. I believe Uncle James will tell a suitable lie to her.

Then after packing things, I walked downstairs. Uncle James already went to work. So Granny Park will be alone in this house after I leave. It can't be helped.