Part two: Recovering from the exhaustion

Trunulesia Forest,

Six tents had been set up circularly. But in the middle, there is a large tent. Inside the tent, the leader of the exploration team replenishes his energy.

Recalling the recent events, Ricardo Compton sighed to himself. "I hadn't expected the changes to be this severe," He said to himself.

He had underestimated the changes in the trunulesia forest. Before coming here, he had assumed apart from the high concentration of mutation energy, there is not much change.

But after coming here, he came to know that his assumption was wrong. Mutated monsters are rampaging in broad daylight. Which is something that has not happened since the ruin's discovery.

Fortunately, he had managed to bring his team safe and soundly. He can't imagine what would happen if they had stayed there longer.