Resuming Cultivation

From MC's perspective:

Saw Scale Viper Academy,

After spending time talking with my family and friends, I spent the rest of the time reading the introductory book of the academy. 

After a few hours, a look of understanding dawned upon me. The warriors are split into many groups based on elemental power. And I know where I'm going to enter. 

The Special Elemental Faction consists of warriors with variant element power. From the manager's words, I came to know that I'm the first warrior to be enrolled with a lightning element. 

There was no one before me. But apart from that there are other variant powers in the world. I couldn't help but recall some old memories.

When I first got to know I'm a special element warrior. My eyes flickered with a slight glint. 

I remember apart from the lightning element. There are other special elements known to the world such as dark elements, light elements, healing, and poison element.