Part Two: Meeting new classmates

From MC's Perspective:

SSV Academy,

"Yes, I'm indeed a lightning element warrior," After saying this, I snapped my finger. A purple arc appeared for a moment and it disappeared.


Laverne Morrow exclaimed in surprise.

Michael and Ernest looked at each other in surprise.

Then three of them introduced themselves one by one. A strange glint flashes in my eyes. "Golden Light" "Soil Element" "Ice element" I muttered in my heart. These three special elements were rare and powerful as well.

Then they invited me to sit beside them. Three of them were one realm higher than me. And they seemed to be much older as well.

Michael opened his mouth to give an introduction about the Special Element Faction. From time to time, Ernest and Laverne added the point as well. 

20 minutes later,

The conversation comes to an end. And I somewhat learned about the special element faction and other factions in the Academy.