Going to the monster zone again

From MC's perspective:

Inside the dorm room,

5 A.M 

After hearing the alarm sound, I got up from the bed. Today, I'm planning to enter the monster zone again. Hereafter, I will face numerous challenges like back in my hometown.

So it's necessary to upgrade the essence to Mid- Elite. After finishing the morning routine, I enter the training room to practice.

I sat cross-legged. After closing my eyes, I began to practice the lightning celestial scripture. 

I began to absorb the lightning essence from the surroundings. The lightning energies were not abundant in the surroundings. But it's much stronger than the Tier-7 and Tier-8 cities environment.

Slowly, I guided the energy according to the scripture. After some circulation, the energy settled inside my dantian. Seeing that I repeat the process again.

Time went on,

After two hours, I opened my eyes. Feeling the half filled essence in my dantian. I sighed in relief.