Part 2: Gravity Chamber

From MC's perspective:

I somehow managed to withstand the settings of 2X Gravity Pressure. Right now, I want to increase it further. I'm sure it will lead to muscle tearing. But I'm betting my hope on the healing element of mine.

I want to test the efficiency of the healing element as well. I slowly stood up and walked toward the interface.

I took a deep breath before changing the settings to 3X. Then I walked back to my previous position and was ready to brace the new pressure.

I felt the heavy gravity pressure of over 30,000 kgs. "Aaaaghh," I let out a small scream, feeling the muscle tear.

My skin turned blood red. Fresh blood can be seen oozing from the skin. But surprisingly I didn't feel that much pain from my bones.

Only my inner organs and muscles were suffering under the huge gravity pressure. I gritted my teeth and continued to endure the pain.