Meeting with dean

From MC's perspective:

The following day,

After waking up from sleep. I did the morning routine as usual. I know yesterday's duel might have created a bigger impact. Because Tyler Lane was one of the top warriors from the flame faction.

If my assumption was correct, then many more warriors will come. I should be ready to face them at any time. 

Fortunately, many of the warriors are in retreat. Which gives me time for further improvement. It is just the lightning cultivation that is dragging me behind.

I did not feel this clueless before when it comes to lightning cultivation. Even back home, I had come across an opportunity in one way or another. 

For example, the mountain Liz. I practiced in the mountain liz from time to time. Though the world energy around here is abundant compared to lower tier cities.

But it's a pity it was not useful to me. I don't know why I have this vague feeling that the dean might know some answers.