Peak-level-Elite (Body breakthrough)

From MC's Perspective:

Dorm room,

The barrier was loosened after the continuous attack. Right after, I guided the energy to attack the barrier again. 


Right after, the barrier broke into pieces. The next moment, the changes begin to take place inside my body. My veins, meridians, bones, and inner organs strengthened a lot. 

Peak Elite- Body Strength 

My body cultivation steps into the peak stage of the elite. No one will be my opponent in the elite stage hereafter. Now, I have the confidence to fight against the Super Elite Warrior.

After calming down my heart, I ran the blood element method to consume the remaining energy. When the monster's core energy entered my body.

The red light appears above the flowing blood. It immediately began to absorb the monster's core energy then started to convert them into white energies.