Encountering the killers!

From MC's Perspective:

Several minutes later,

After stabilizing the base, I walked to the bath to take a shower.

Then I change to fresh clothes a few minutes later. The mission was over. Now I have the opportunity to spend time in Viper City.

After getting ready, I walked out of the room. A simple breakfast was served. Seeing that, I decided to take a bite before heading out.

The brown wood town people seem to be aware of my existence. But none of them had caused any problems. 

After having breakfast, I left the small town. I used my flight ability to rush back. 

Time passed,

I found something strange an hour later. Like someone is keeping an eye on me. But when I turned around to locate it. I found no one.

Little did I know at this moment. That someone is secretly guarding me.

Seeing that there was no around me. I resumed my journey. But shortly after, I met with new trouble.