New Elder Teresa York

From MC's perspective:

"Destroy?" Rebecca blurted out in surprise. She was shocked by Zack's boldness. 

But the next second, a bitter smile appeared on her face.

"Do you know how much it costs to establish a secret teleportation point?" She asked.

Hearing that I shook my head

"Installation of Teleportation point requires the power of SSS-Elite Warrior and assistance from the formation master as well," Before Zack could spew nonsense she added further.

"SSS-Elite Warrior," I sucked a cold breath of air.

Finally, I realized the seriousness of the incident. Forget about SSS-Elite Warrior. It's hard to even find a single formation master.

"Looks like I have messed up," I said in my heart. 

"I can't disturb our supreme elder right now. We will wait and see. If the Red Moon Tower finds out something, then we will do something," She said.