Part 2: Eurice Frye's decision

Outside of the Viper City:

Carlos Kent's mouth curved into an arc. He knew the girl was in a state of shock. So he gave her some seconds to digest the words. After seeing her, she calmed down.

He again said, "I want you to cooperate with me to kill Zack Lockwood. If you do that, I'll give you free resources."

"With that, you will have no problem reaching the SS-Elite Stage," He added further.

Eurice Frye is again dumbfounded. "SS-Elite!" She was shocked to the core. It's not easy to become an SS-Elite. You have to cross countless resources to reach that rank. One of them being the rare resources.

After a few seconds, she calmed down. She then recalled the unknown powerhouse's demand. "Killing Zack Lockwood?" Her eyes flickered. 

For a moment there was silence. 

She doesn't know whether the powerhouse will allow her to leave if she says "No"