Shocking news

From MC's perspective:

Time passed,

After hunting a few more monsters we walked out of the place a few hours later. When it appeared in the Transportation Tower. It's already past noon.

"Wow, that was fun"

"Laverne must be missing this fight"

Ernest said beside me.

Hearing that I nodded my head at him. Then we parted ways after splitting the monster cores. 

Soon, I reached the dorm room. After entering the room, I laid down on my bed first. 

The following day,

After completing the morning routine. I entered the training room to cultivate. Now I can resume the blood element method. 

Sitting down cross-legged, I held the Class-4 Monster core in my hand. Then I started to run the blood element method.

Right after, the bloody rune in my consciousness started to flicker. 

Then the next moment, I felt suction in both of my palms and then I began to absorb the monster core energies.