A rotten apple


The supreme elder was in deep thinking when the duel was over. He has not made up his mind yet. If he chooses to kill Zack, then he will end up dead sooner or later.

If not, the mysterious person will ruin his academy. On top of it, his life is running out of time. Without the forbidden liquid, he can't prolong his life span.

What he didn't know was that someone else was observing him from the shadows. He is none other than Jonathan. 

He did come earlier. When Zack's duel was going on. He started observing the Supreme Elder. 

Right now, he confirmed the suspicion in his heart. The Supreme Elder was not right in his mind. If he wants he can directly kill this person. 

But the problem is that Saw Scale Viper Academy would face danger if the news leaked. An academy can't survive without someone like him.

While he was observing, he saw the Supreme Elder speaking to someone on the call.