Seamus' plan

Glass City:

The treasure item was placed in the auction building. Since the lightning element was practiced by lightning element warriors. 

The auction house didn't plan on auctioning the items. Unless there is a special request from the buyer.

They won't show it to the outside world. But the Giant Tower Academy's people are ready to buy these items.

At the same time, two beautiful ladies wearing Red Moon Tower wearing Academy were looking around the Glass City.

They are none other than Ella Downs and Sallie Mills. Both are friends of Zack Lockwood.

Right now, the duo are casually visiting the city. As the Glass City is similar to the Viper City. Most of the Red Moon Tower Warriors hail from this City.

A few minutes later,

The duo walked past the towering building. Ella quickly recognised the building. It's one of the main attractions of the city, the auction house.

"Sallie, shall we go inside?" Ella asked.