Part 1: Supreme Elder's anger

From MC's perspective:

Duel stage,

The clashes continued. But every time at the end of the clash his injuries got worse. Which is also affecting his strength. If this goes on then he might lose his arms.


But at this moment, Kane's expression was ferocious. He seems to forget about the pain. All he wants to do now is to win the duel. Only either can survive the duel. 

And the winner is the survivor.

On the other hand, I placed the black sword back in the storage ring. The purple essence is depleting rapidly. But Kane is showing no sign of fatigue.

He seems to have an endless amount of fire essence.

Seeing that he rushed out to attack me. I raised my fist a small amount of purple arc covered my fist. This is a strategy I have come up with.

I'm going to use body strength to press him. If anyone from outside sees it, they will see it as a lightning technique.
