Improving the skills

From MC's perspective:

A period of time has passed. Day by day, I focus on improving all of my techniques.

Whenever I exhausted the purple essence. I went to the Twin Mountain Peak to cultivate and recover the essence.

Then I also spent my free time in the infirmary, treating mildly injured patients. Fortunately, the old healer didn't push me hard to treat.

But he wants me to improve my healing hand.

And Jonathan had been staying in Tower City. He won't leave until he finds a clue. So the days have passed just like that.

A month later,

Evening time,

When everyone is leaving. I'm still hitting the wooden puppet with the lightning technique.

But this time the lightning beam released from the Sword Divide attack was thinner and quicker.


The lightning beam was fast. The next moment, the wooden puppet exploded into peace. It's hard to guess the speed of the attack.