Cameron's death

From MC's perspective:

Viper Academy:

Jonathan was observing everything from the shadows. He is watching everything with a smile on his face.

Bryson Koch and Cameron landed on the ground. The formation posed no threat to them.

"Harumph, call him out," Bryson said with a snort. He doesn't want to waste time here. He is already sick of little world energy here.

"Yes, my lord," Cameron uttered with joy. The next second, he stormed into the mansion. But what both don't know is that an invisible poison seeped into their body within a few seconds.


The mansion's door broke into pieces. When he appeared inside. He found no breath of a dying old man.

Cameron furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then he realized there must be another formation here.

So he started checking the mansion.

As time passed, Bryson began to feel uneasy. He doesn't know what's causing the sudden discomfort. But he feels something is not right.