Palmer Family's end

From MC's perspective:

Dining Hall,

"What's your goal?" Ernest asked.

We were eating in the corner of the dining hall. There are not many people around us. So I looked at Ernest and asked back, "What do you mean by that?"

Suddenly, Laverne thought of something before saying, "He is thinking about plans. He wants to become an elder in the academy."

Hearing that a look of understanding dawned on me. At the same time, my eyes flash with complex emotions.

I looked at two of them before saying, "I'm going to enter the inner post."

Hearing that both of them were not surprised. At this point, both were clear that Zack had a special background.

"Inner post uh?" Laverne said with a sigh.

"I don't know much about it. But as far as I know, the inner post is different from our region. That place is many times dangerous."

"Since you have a backing. You can develop smoothly," Ernest said.