Gathering at the Goodwill City

From MC's perspective:

Viper Academy,

The next day, the dean asked the selected warriors to gather at the academy entrance. After hearing that I realized we are leaving for the internal competition ahead of the duel day.

After leaving the room, I met with Ernest and Laverne at the entrance of the dorm. Fortunately, they got their place in the Final List.

Then 3 of us started walking towards the academy entrance.

"I didn't expect my name to be on the list," Ernest said. A couple of weeks ago, his thoughts were different. He didn't want to participate then.

But later things changed not only in their academy but in other academies as well. He doesn't think that Giant Tower and Eclipse Academy are going to be as domineering as they used to be.

On their side, things have changed for the better because of Carlos Kent. The Special Faction Head doesn't seem to be scary anymore.

"Well, we got one person missing," Laverne said with a sigh.